This week the gang minus Frost is joined by the original founder of LGA, Aidan,…
If you’ve ever wanted to know what the perfect chicken sandwich is, and about soft…
Is Halo 5 the pinnacle of FPS mechanics on the Xbox One? Is The Outer…
This week is so jam packed full of pure video game news, of course it’s…
Things are stirring in the video game world, and Marcus and Justin are here this…
The season finale is here! Justin gives more details of what to expect from Season…
Welcome back to yet another amazing episode of the LGAcast! The crew has a jam-packed…
It’s time for Episode 35 of the LGAcast, and since the podcast has been downloaded…
The full crew is back and in peak form, mostly over their respective sicknesses! The…
If you wanted to hear about the Gears of Wars franchise, you came to the…