LGAcast 036 – What Am I Gonna Do With 10 Terabytes?

Welcome back to yet another amazing episode of the LGAcast! The crew has a jam-packed episode for you, and it’s not quite as long as a normal episode. Don’t get used to it! It may never happen again. Since it’s October, Marcus has some more horror movie recommendations, don’t miss them! Especially since Justin and Frost argue about horror movies because he hates them! A new season of Big Mouth just came out so you know they’re gonna talk about that. Justin thinks his coughing days are coming to a close, but he’s probably wrong about that.

In all the hot gaming news this week, Marcus and Justin discuss the new tidbits of information dropped by Sony about the Playstation 5, and yes, that IS what it’s going to be called. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be! Following the PS5 info, they make some totally accurate, never wrong, Xbox predictions. And to top everything off, there’s a giant controversy going on with Activision Blizzard involving China’s politics and the Hong Kong protests. #boycottblizzard became a trending hashtag and for good reason. In case y’all live under a rock, Marcus and Justin have all the details for you at the tail end of the podcast.

AND FINALLY, we have our 1000 downloads celebration this month. Listen to every podcast in October for the secret code to be entered into a drawing for some cool stuff! You’ll have up to 4 entries, one per secret code!

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