SURPRISE!!! You thought they wouldn’t be back this week with a full blown episode of the LGAcast. Well they did it! Marcus played too many games, and there was too much big news that they had to call an emergency recording session to get the top notch content out to you, the listener, as soon as possible! This doesn’t come without sacrifice though. Frost is not able to join the crew due to a chest cold. Please send well wishes for her to get better soon!

So what was so important? Well Marcus played some games, including Gears 4, and Astral Chain. Yep, that’s it.

Fooled you again! There’s a lot of crazy news! The developers of Ion Fury performed a total about-face on removing the homophobic jokes in the game, The Me-Too movement gains a foothold in the gaming industry after prolific game soundtrack composer Jeremy Soule is accused of rape, and Nintendo performed a mega dump of cool and weird stuff that they just had to talk about! Also, Justin predicts a new future Nintendo Switch peripheral with a name that would make Rated G for Gamers proud!

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