The Game-Out 001 – No Format, No Rules, No Direction (With Dave from Rated G For Gamers)

Here in the LGA world there’s a lot going on so the gang got together early and recorded episodes early with absolutely no direction. So this is an introduction to the latest series of the podcast which will happen when time gets a little too crunchy around the LGA Studio and a full on episode isn’t possible. We call it The Game-Out, where we all just hang out and talk about anything and everything video games, but this time, there’s no format, no rules, and no direction. Absolutely nothing is planned here, so get your Gamer Gear ready, you’re gonna need it for the highly concentrated dose of the LGAcast!!

In this first installment, Dave from Rated G for Gamers joins the crew to talk about all the most important gaming issues, like what makes a bad game so bad, in which he brings in his controversial thoughts on a cult favorite, the first Fable! The second most important issue? Which actors should play what character in a live action Akira.  And in other nonsense, Frost tells the tale of how a carnie shut the ride down because of something her and her brother were doing! Things get wild and crazy and we even kept it around an hour long for all you folks who’d like to see some shorter content. Hopefully this will entice all you newcomers to listen to the longer episodes, because the fun never stops when the LGA crew has GAME FUEL!!!

To listen to more of Dave, you can find him at!

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