LGAcast 005 – New Year 2019 Special!

It’s a new year and that means we have a very special show for you this week! We take a moment to look back on 2018 and talk about what our favorite games were, and what else we’re looking forward to this year. And since it’s the beginning of the month, we run over the free games that are available for January.

And of course we have the latest news for you and our discussion of the games we have been playing. Will Justin actually finish Celeste? Only time will tell!

Lastly, our big announcement is that we are launching a secondary podcast feed which will focus on more focused discussion of one specific game, review style, and we will assign a review score for each game at the end of that episode. The name for the show will be Lit Gaming Arena: GG, so keep an eye out here on the site for when we start posting those episodes!

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