Fortnite’s Fortnitemares event, came to a close yesterday November 4th but it did not go out quietly. The infamous Cube was up to something while everyone was playing yesterday. Millions of people who tuned in both to play and to watch on Twitch lay witness to the strange happenings all leading up to one disastrous explosion.
First, The Cube began to melt as it hovered over Loot Lake where it has been known to cause trouble before. Then The Cube began to pulse while spinning before disappearing altogether for some time, creating a portal that catapulted players into a different area entirely.
In this area, players were limited to what they could do. The event was on a total pause as everyone inside the realm could only float about aimlessly until they were transported back after a minute of being suspended in the strange realm.
Now Loot lake has a circular island in the middle of it with some rock formations in its center. Hmm; I wonder what they could be planning there? It kind of reminds me of Stonehenge, any thoughts?