Bebo, a relatively new competitor to OBS and XSplit which has been growing in popularity steadily over the last year, has announced that it will be moving away from it’s streaming services and start focusing on the tournament idea that they’ve been working on for the last couple of months. You can read the full statement below.
Dear Bebo community! Big changes ahead!I have some good & sad news. (for the tldr skip to the bottom):
Over the past year – we’ve been on a mission to build new features for streamers.
TBH most ideas were bad (eg. the ill advised lootbox feature,currency bot etc) – but one idea has caught on.
We thought it would be cool to create a “streamer tournaments” where streamers could compete against other streamers (for bragging rights & cash prizes). Fans liked watching, and players liked playing.
This simple little idea took off. Over the past two months, we’ve hosted over 100 tournaments, featuring 10,000+ streamers, in front of 5,000,000+ viewers and given out over $50,000 in prize winnings to streamers.
That’s the good news.
The sad news is that our developer team is spending more time on tournaments and less time on streaming features.
One of our life mottos is: “you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.”
We needed to choose: Should we build features for Streamers or Tournament Players?
It wasn’t an easy decision. We’ve put thousands of hours into building our streaming tool, and became friends with so many streamers during evnets like PAX & twitchcon (or the infamous viewboat). At the same time, tournaments are growing much more rapidly, and we see a lot of potential in building a platform for tournaments.
So after much deliberation, we’ve decided to go all-in on tournaments.
Starting next Wednesday (Oct 17th) we will discontinue support for general streaming. The app will update to focus solely on tournament features. We are creating leagues for gamers of all skill levels.
We thank you from the bottom of our heart for giving us a shot, and helping us along the way. For those of you who rely on Bebo for your everyday stream, please see the #transition channel.
We appreciate every one of you. every line of feedback. it means the world to us. we will continue to build for gamers, just in a new way.
team bebo
Shaan Puri, CEO of Bebo
For anyone who has been using Bebo for streaming, the company recommends switching to OBS. You can download OBS here. The company will also be releasing all overlays, themes/templates for free and a download link will be made available soon. The download link will be available in the Transition text channel on the company’s official Discord server. If you have been earning money through tips on Bebo you must withdraw all funds before 12pm Pacific on Wednesday the 17th of October. The $10 dollar limit for withdrawing your money will also be removed.
I have personally tried Bebo and I found it to be an innovative piece of software however it did take me some getting used to when compared to Streamlabs + OBS. It’s a pity that many people will have to switch but the company must go with the features that give them the most success, and I wish them well in their new endeavor. I commend the company for not trying to do too many things at once and deciding to keep itself focused.
If you would like to hear more about Bebo’s tournaments you can check out the companies Twitter. They have grown massively in popularity and I for one think the company is making the right decision to invest more in them.